FB - Fill in the Blank
FB stands for Fill in the Blank
Here you will find, what does FB stand for in IT under Business category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Fill in the Blank? Fill in the Blank can be abbreviated as FB What does FB stand for? FB stands for Fill in the Blank. What does Fill in the Blank mean?The IT company falls under information technology and services category and is located in Dallas, Texas.
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Alternative definitions of FB
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Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- FSDT Financial Sector Deepening Trust
- FFA Fast Forward Advisors
- FGL The Fortune Group LLC
- FCPL Face Consultants Pty Ltd
- FFG Fresh Freight Group
- FTL Full Tilt Logistics
- FLP Fresh Look Products
- FHCC Friendship Health Care Center
- FBGCL Flair Business Growth Consultancy Ltd
- FDMA Fringe Digital Marketing Agency
- FLC Florida Literacy Coalition
- FRS Franklin Retirement Solutions
- FLG Food for Life Global
- FUV Fulbright University Vietnam
- FSJI Florida Spine and Joint Institute
- FML Flourish Marketing Ltd
- FADS Fred Astaire Dance Studios
- FCS Focus Care Solutions
- FWC Four Winds Creative
- FCCH First Congregational Church of Houston